Staff Directory
Get to know more about our team!
Amy Johnston
Member Engagement Coordinator
"J’habitais en France pendant deux ans. J’aime les français et les français m’aiment."
Anna Decker
CPE Program Coordinator
"There's a board game out there for everyone, and chances are I've played it. So who's ready for game night?"
Corey Butler
Communications Manager
"'Muscles aching to work, minds aching to create — this is man.' — The Grapes of Wrath"
David Mastel
Information Technology Manager
"In the binary symphony of life, dare to dream and create a new tomorrow."
Faye Hayhurst
Director of Finance and Administration Professional Ethics Coordinator
"Mr. Spock was a childhood hero of mine. Live long and prosper!"
Emily Stamp
Conference Coordinator
"Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature." Steve Maraboli
Geno Fragnito
Director of Government Relations
"Hide your candy, especially Hot Tamales, if you don't want me to eat it."
Heidi Janssen
CPE Program Manager
"Chronic overpacker who loves to travel. Bonus points if the travel includes sunshine and the ocean."
Isaac Leigh
Marketing Coordinator
"Outdoorsy creative type, indoorsy strategist."
Jodi Eiswirth
CPE Coordinator
"Pound is a workout everyone can enjoy. If you have a stressful day, Pound it out!"
Julia Shiota
Communications Coordinator
"I'm always writing — fiction, nonfiction, everything!"
Lauren Jones
Digital Production Specialist
"Dominates in Disney trivia; a coffee shop is my natural habitat."
Leslie Mueller
Strategic Partnership Specialist
"If I'm not walking my dogs, I am reading a good book whilst crunching on a healthy celery snack!"
Linda Wedul
President & CEO
"Volunteer with Can-Do-Canines to train service dogs for people with disabilities."
Lynn Kletscher
Director of Education
"I’m a Pepper. Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper, too?"
Misty Garrick
Manager of Digital Strategies
"Super planner, native gardener, collage maker, cat lover. Aspires to greatness. Succumbs to mojitos."
Stephanie Schmidt
Director of Membership and Marketing
"Crafting with colors and playing with power tools—my happy place!"
Sylvia Michels
Member Engagement Coordinator
"Typically found growing gardens OR some awesome events for YPG members."
Tabitha McDonald
Senior Data Specialist
"Avid reader forever working through my TBR pile."
Therésa Weseman
Senior Graphic Designer
"Each brushstroke is another opportunity for me to be creative and connect with others."
Whitney Murray
Administration Specialist
"I hate to admit it, but my parents were right - and now I can’t stop playing pickleball."