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Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing, PLLP (CDS)

331 3rd St SW, Ste 2
Willmar, MN 56201

Description: CDS's core values are integrity, quality, collaboration, innovation, and kindness. We are a full-service certified public accounting firm headquartered in Willmar, with offices in Benson, Morris, Litchfield, and St. Cloud-Sartell, Minnesota. We have 31 CPAs and over 75 personnel, ranking us one of the top 25 CPA firms in Minnesota.

Client industries: Agribusiness, Auto Dealerships, Construction, Franchises, For Profit, Governmental, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Non-Profit, Petroleum, Rural Development

Type of practice
Review: 2%
Audit: 20%
Tax: 38%
Management: 15%
Other: 25%

Contact information

Primary contact
Heather Thompson

Company details

Minnesota locations:
Willmar, Benson, Morris, Litchfield, Sartell

Area of service:

Number of offices
Minnesota: 5
U.S.: 0
International: 0
Total: 5

Number of employees
All locations: 71
Minnesota locations only: 70

Internship information

Internships offered? Yes

Number offered: 1 - 5

Time of year offered: All Year

Requirements/criteria: Progress towards accounting degree

Additional information: OUR TEAM MEMBER EXPERIENCE

Our team members are appreciated for their unique talents and contributions, and are our most valuable resource. We provide meaningful and challenging client and firm projects, career advancement opportunities, continuous learning experiences and a flexible, positive work environment.

CPA exam information

Covers portion or all of CPA exam fees: Yes

Offers additional compensation to employees who pass the CPA exam: Yes

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