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MNCPA Accounting Employer Directory

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4200 Wells Fargo Center
90 S. 7th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Description: PMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm (, is the U.S. member firm of KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International’s member firms have 162,000 professionals, including more than 9,000 partners, in 155 countries.

Client industries: Financial services, manufacturing, retail and distribution, health care, life sciences, information, communications and entertainment, and public services (government and not-for-profit)

Type of practice
Review: 0%
Audit: 35%
Tax: 35%
Management: 15%
Other: 15%

Contact information

Primary contact
Amy Sundet

Company details

Minnesota locations:

Area of service:

Number of offices
Minnesota: 1
U.S.: 90
International: 700
Total: 791

Number of employees
All locations: 162000
Minnesota locations only: 400

Internship information

Internships offered? Yes

Number offered: Based on Need

Time of year offered: January-April, May-August

Requirements/criteria: KPMG hires interns within our tax, audit, and advisory practices. In Minneapolis we primarily hire accounting majors who will be CPA eligible upon graduation. KPMG does the majority of all hiring in the fall. If you are interested in an internship please work with the KPMG recruiter on your campus. If there are no postings on your campus, you may submit a resume and transcript via email which will be kept on file for future opportunities. Your resume must confirm your graduation date with 150 credit hours.

Additional information: We offer summer leadership programs for students the summer before they are internship eligible, ie. summer after sophomore year if graduating in 4 years or summer after junior year if graduating in 5 years.

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