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About the TIGTA: Who Watches the IRS?

If you have questions about this event, please call us at 952-831-2707.

Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024
12:30-2:30 p.m. Central
2 CPE (2 technical)  |  2 Ethics

Course code: 23WX-3518
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This course will provide an overview of the work and impact of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) on the US tax system, regulatory ethics, and accounting profession. TIGTA is an independent organization that provides oversight of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and conducts audits, investigations, and inspections and evaluations to promote integrity, economy, and efficiency in the administration of the nation's tax system. The course will explore the role of TIGTA in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the IRS, identifying opportunities to improve the administration of tax laws, and upholding ethical standards in the accounting profession. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Major subjects

  • The role of TIGTA in the US tax system
  • Auditing, investigating, and inspecting and evaluating IRS programs and operations
  • Identifying opportunities to improve the administration of tax laws
  • Promoting integrity, economy, and efficiency in the tax system
  • Responding to requests from Congress and other external stakeholders
  • Upholding ethical standards in the accounting profession
  • Building trust and confidence in the tax system

Learning objectives

  • Recognize the role and responsibilities of TIGTA in the US tax system
  • Identify the ways in which TIGTA conducts audits, investigations, and inspections and evaluations to promote integrity, economy, and efficiency in the tax system
  • Identify the impact of TIGTA's work on the tax system and accounting profession
  • Analyze the importance of trust and confidence in the tax system
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of TIGTA's efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the IRS
  • Analyze the role of TIGTA in identifying opportunities to improve the administration of tax laws

Who should take this program?

  • This course is intended for professionals in the accounting and finance fields, as well as individuals interested in learning more about the role of TIGTA in the US tax system


Standard Member Fee $89.00
checkmark Standard Nonmember Fee $89.00
Our records indicate you are a nonmember. If you register, you will be charged $89.00 (Standard Nonmember Fee). Members: Please log in to receive member fee.

More program information

Location Online
of study
of study
Regulatory Ethics - Technical (2.0)
Level Overview
Format Group Internet Based
Sponsor CPA Crossings, LLC
NASBA ID#: 108744
Prerequisites Prereq. It is recommended that students have a basic understanding of the US tax system and accounting principles before taking this course. Some familiarity with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and its functions may also be helpful, but is not required.
Receive a full refund if you cancel at least four business days before the event start date.
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If you have questions about this event, please call us at 952-831-2707.