Surgent's Successfully Completing an Income Tax Return for a Trust or Estate: Form 1041
If you have questions about this event, please call us at 952-831-2707.
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024
Noon-2 p.m. Central
2 CPE (2 technical) | 2 IRS CE
Course code: 24WS-0789
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Some of your clients have estate plans that provide for testamentary trusts. Other clients make gifts to irrevocable trusts during their lifetime. And some will die with probate estates.
Therefore, you should have a basic understanding of how the income tax applies uniquely to trusts and estates. For example, "distributable net income" (DNI) is a trust-only concept that is essential to understand. Plus, the deductions for fiduciary fees, charitable deductions and certain miscellaneous deductions (such as investment advisory fees, and attorney/accountant fees) are treated differently than for individual taxpayers.
However, with a decent understanding of the basic income tax and net investment income tax (NIIT) rules, you can add significant value to your clients.
Major subjects
Passive activity rules for trusts including the NIIT
The different types of trusts for income tax purposes (e.g. simple, complex, grantor, charitable)
The critical categorization of income (taxable income vs. fiduciary accounting income)
Distributable net income (DNI) and how it works
The "Tier" Rules
The Separate Share Rule
IRC 663(b) "65-Day" Rule
IRC Section 691(c) Deduction
QSST and EBST elections
How to treat excess deductions on termination
Grantor trust rules and how they impact planning and return preparation
The income tax side of Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
Learning objectives
Understand how to file a basic income tax return for an estate or trust -- form 1041
Who should take this program?
- Any tax practitioner who wishes to understand how to assist clients with filing a federal gift tax return
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If you have questions about this event, please call us at 952-831-2707.