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How Changes in Business Methods Affects Internal Control

If you have questions about this event, please call us at 952-831-2707.

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Central
8 CPE (8 technical)

Course code: 24WX-3007
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New Technology, the move toward telecommuting, the widespread adoption of electronic documentation, and a wide range of other factors have significantly and forever changed the way business is conducted. It should go without saying that changes in tools and methods lead to upheaval in any organizations internal control system. In this session, we look at all the changes that are occurring and discuss what's coming in the not too distant future. The material then looks at how internal controls have been affected and what other updates are on the horizon. Anyone trying to use controls to keep their organization efficient and secure should consider this session because the rate of change to both operational methods and control processes has been and will continue to be incredible. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Major subjects

  • How is business changing.
  • What is driving the change and how long will it last.
  • How specifically is an organizations control system important.
  • What steps are needed to “keep up” with the upheaval.

Learning objectives

  • Recognize changes that are occurring in business operations because of the change in attitudes, technology, and methods;
  • Recall the many factors driving operational updates;
  • Identify ways that security and productivity can be affected by inadequate internal control development;
  • Indicate an understanding of specific control changes that will be important.

Who should take this program?

  • Accounting and other business professionals with a need to understand internal control changes business operation updates.


Standard Member Fee $239.00
checkmark Standard Nonmember Fee $239.00
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More program information

Instructor Karl Egnatoff, CPA.CITP
Location Online
of study
Accounting & audit
of study
Accounting - Technical (8.0)
Level Basic
Format Group Internet Based
Sponsor CPA Crossings, LLC
NASBA ID#: 108744
Prerequisites Prereq. None
Receive a full refund if you cancel at least four business days before the event start date.
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If you have questions about this event, please call us at 952-831-2707.