MNCPA Tax Conference

K Sessions

Tuesday, November 19,
2:35 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

K1. Retirement Planning: What You Need to Know

Speaker(s): Nicole Middendorf
NASBA field of study: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5)

You work hard for your money, but are you making the most of it? This fun and informative session is for you if you want to know how to keep more of your money for yourself! Learn how to save more of your money and where to put it. Focus on figuring out what makes you happy, planning for your future and how to get there. Have the retirement you have always wanted and live your life in financial happiness as long as you are smart about your finances. Learn about options available to you for retirement, how much you should save, tips and tricks about retirement and simple action items you can do today to change your future.

K2. Federal Business Tax Highlights (Repeat of D2)

Speaker(s): Pat Garverick
NASBA field of study: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

Review various federal income tax laws impacting businesses, emphasizing newly enacted tax legislation, court cases and IRS guidance. Session topics will be determined based on the most recent developments up to the date of the conference.

K3. Delegation, Feedback and Accountability: A Primer on Core Leadership Skills

Speaker(s): Jonathan Lokhorst
NASBA field of study: Personal Development - Non-Technical (1.5)

Elevate your leadership effectiveness and organizational impact by fine-tuning core leadership skills. Recognize the barriers to your effectiveness and reshape your mindset to gain confidence and become more proactive as you lead your team. Explore practical tools to optimize productivity, cultivate talent, inspire ownership and free up more of your time to focus on crucial leadership functions like strategic thinking, innovation and critical problem-solving.

K4. Practicing Efficient & Effective Tax Research

Speaker(s): David Peters
NASBA field of study: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5)

Answering clients’ tax questions accurately and on time is a key challenge for tax practitioners. Learn to perform tax research more efficiently by describing the structure of the primary sources, highlighting the difference between primary and secondary sources, and describing the steps in the tax research process.