K Sessions

Wednesday, June 12,
2:35 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

K1. Data Analytics to Detect Fraud

Speaker(s): Leah Donti
NASBA field of study: Accounting - Technical (1.5)

Fraud is always top of mind. And if it’s not, it should be. See how you can use data analytics to boost efficiency when detecting various types of fraud. Look at examples in the areas of general ledger data analytics, purchase to pay analytics, tests for potential billing schemes, payroll analytics, travel and entertainment expense analytics, and order to cash analytics.

K2. Top Technology Risks: Perspectives for 2024

Speaker(s): Angela Bickett, Grace Hinton
NASBA field of study: Information Technology - Technical (1.5)

The risk landscape is continually shifting. Are you keeping up? Dig into the results of Protiviti’s 11th Annual Technology Audit Risks Survey and explore related insights gleaned from local technology risk leaders. Examine critical, current topics including cybersecurity, AI, data governance and the increasing gap between needs and capacity/capability in the quest for talent. Look at how these risks have changed compared to last year and find out how to navigate them.

K3. Tools for Managing Stress

Speaker(s): Jamie Peterson
NASBA field of study: Personal Development - Non-Technical (1.5)

Stress is real and it comes at us from so many different angles. Deadlines, appointments, health concerns, financial burdens, relationship troubles -- the list goes on. Often, we recognize the causes of stress and know what we need to do … so why don’t we do it? Explore strategies and tips to help you manage stress by creating healthy habits and boundaries. Look at your own personal stressors and how they impact your well-being. Make a plan to actually put those strategies into daily practice so you can be more resilient and thrive instead of merely surviving.