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Sponsor a Conference Session

MNCPA's conferences will provide you with the opportunity to engage with attendees who attend in-person, along with allowing you access to those that are choosing to be virtual. We know that this will have a different feel, but one thing is the same: Our members want to connect with you and learn about the products and services you offer to help them be successful.

What we need from you:

  • Provide a 50-minute CPE educational session.
    We are happy to help you iron out a topic to present on that will fit the intended conference audience, but we need you to supply the speaker and the content.

What you get from us:

  • Full-page ad in the conference program.
  • Logo and mention in the conference brochure (dependent on commiment date).
  • Mention in pre-event emails (dependent on commitment date).
  • 30-second commercial to be played prior to sessions.
  • Banner ad within conference virtual platform.
  • Listing in conference program (this is separate from the full page ad).
  • MNCPA to market and promote session in conference materials.
  • Post-conference attendee list.

For more information about sponsoring a conference session, contact 
Leslie Mueller, Strategic Partnership Specialist