Certificate Status
Options for Corporate CPAs
Updated May 4, 2021
Corporate CPAs have a choice when it comes to their certification status.
The Minnesota Board of Accountancy (BOA) allows corporate CPAs — who aren’t performing work on the side that requires an active license or firm permit — to maintain an active CPA certificate or go inactive.
CPAs in public accounting must maintain an active CPA status.
There’s a lot to consider when choosing between active and inactive. Understanding the rules helps to ensure your certification status always works for you.
Whatever you choose — don’t forget to renew!
Active and inactive CPA certificates must be renewed annually through the BOA by Dec. 31.
This is where inactive CPAs often make mistakes. Some forget to renew while others don’t realize it’s required. Regardless of reason, it’s wrong.
“I want to hang onto my CPA letters. Being a CPA pushes me to seek out continuing education I may not otherwise take. Plus, if I’m ever faced with the need to find a new opportunity, why not have all the tools at my disposal?”
- Jamie Wetter, CPA
Controller, Jamf
Additional resources
Journey from inactive to active CPA
by Alan Wenker, CPA | May 2021 Footnote
Ensure your CPA status is ready for anything
by Anne Janotta Erickson | September 2020 Footnote
We're here to help! Contact the MNCPA at membership@mncpa.org or 952-831-2707.
The Board of Accountancy regulates CPAs in Minnesota. Contact the BOA at 651-296-7938.