Advertise in Our Daily e-Newsletter
This Just In
Advertise in the MNCPA’s daily e-newsletter, This Just In and reach more than 4,000 subscribers. “This Just In” is sent out each afternoon and features the news and information CPAs need to know. Daily and weekly rates are available. (Only one advertiser per email.)
- 4,000+ subscribers
- 40%+ average open rate
- 9% average clicks
- 6% clicks on advertisement image
- 99% deliverability rate
Advertising rates
- Daily banner ad only - $300 per day.
- Weekly banner ad only - $1,200 - your ad will run for one entire week. This cannot be broken up into individuals days.
- Sponsored content only - $500 per placement.
- Banner ad and sponsored content bundle - $750 per day
- Weekly banner ad and 1x sponsored content bundle - $1,500 per week
Ad graphic specifications
- 600 px by 80 px
- Resolution 96 DPI, preferred
- Minimum of 14 px (10.5pt) font, preferred
- Must include company name or logo in the banner
- JPG, GIF or PNG, static images only. Animated GIFs are acceptable. Flash cannot be used
- URL to link image
Reserve your ad space today!
Start your digital marketing campaign today!
Leslie Mueller
Strategic Partnership Specialist