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Advertise in MNCPA's e-newletters

Connect with firm administrators from CPA firms, accounting educators or students from Minnesota's universities and colleges. Build your brand by providing a banner ad or sponsored content. 

E-newsletter Frequency Audience Approximate Subscribers
Firm Administrator Bulletin - Read sample Monthly Accounting practice firm administrators 259
Accounting Educator eNews - Read sample 3-4x per year Minnesota college and university educators 200

Student eNews                      - Read sample

2x per month Minnesota college and university students Varies throughout the year

Featured firm (student eNews only)

Let us help you connect with accounting students. Promote your firm as an employer of choice. Our Student eNews is sent out twice per month, we will feature your firm in both issues. One firm per month. 

  • $500 per month

Feature your firm today!

eNewsletter banner ads

Advertising rates:

  • $300 per monthly email
  • $500 sponsored content
e-Newsletter statistics
  • 28% of e-newsletters are opened
  • 99% of e-newsletters are delivered

Ad graphic specifications


  • 540px by 70px
  • Resolution 96 DPI, preferred
  • Minimum of 14 px (10.5pt) font, preferred
  • Must include company name or logo in the banner
  • JPG, GIF or PNG, static images only. Limited animation. No flash.
  • URL to link image

Reserve your ad space today!

Questions or need more information?
Leslie Mueller
Strategic Partnership Specialist