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Make your voice heard

Why attending CPA Day at the Capitol matters

February 20, 2024  |  Geno Fragnito

Make your voice heard

CPAs hold a unique position of being a trusted adviser, expert on financial matters and a pillar of economic stability for individuals, businesses and communities across Minnesota.

How often do you directly share that expertise with the people responsible for passing laws and policies impacting the profession and those you serve? The MNCPA CPA Day at the Capitol provides you with the perfect opportunity to do this.

It’s worth the time

For those working in tax, the legislative session and tax season always overlap, but spending a few hours at the Capitol at this annual event provides a great opportunity for CPAs to step out from behind the desk and onto the steps of the Capitol. It's a chance to connect with your elected officials, educate them on the issues important to you as a CPA and advocate for policies that benefit the profession and the public. While this annual event does provide networking opportunities, it isn't just networking; it's a platform to advocate for issues that affect you, your clients and the future of the profession.

You might ask, why exactly is attending CPA Day at the Capitol important? Here are just a few compelling reasons:

You are the expert in the room. Lawmakers often face complex financial questions with far-reaching consequences and rely on the knowledge and expertise of CPAs to better understand complex tax and financial policies they set. Tax reform, business regulations and financial literacy to are just a few to name.

By attending CPA Day, you have the opportunity to directly share your expertise, engage your representatives, explain the impact of proposed legislation on businesses and individuals and offer practical solutions to policy challenges. Your voice is essential in shaping the laws that govern your profession and the laws businesses must follow.

Advocate for your profession and clients. Whether you're concerned about specific legislation affecting the CPA licensure process, tax reform, business regulations or economic development initiatives, many issues discussed at the Capitol directly impact your clients, your business or the communities you serve. CPA Day provides a platform to raise your voice. You can share personal stories, highlight challenges faced by your clients and urge lawmakers to consider the impact of their decisions on the broader financial landscape.

Build relationships, influence policy and strengthen your network. Face-to-face interaction is invaluable. By attending CPA Day, you can meet your elected officials, introduce yourself and explain how their decisions affect your work and your community. These personal connections can build trust and open doors for future communication and collaboration. Beyond the immediate conversations, CPA Day allows you to begin to build long-lasting relationships with key policymakers.

CPA Day isn't just about advocating; it's also about building relationships with fellow CPAs and other stakeholders. Networking with your peers allows you to share knowledge, collaborate on initiatives and stay informed about the latest developments in the profession.

Show your strength in numbers. Lawmakers take notice when a united front appears. Participating in CPA Day alongside your colleagues demonstrates the collective voice and power of the profession.

Collaboration among CPAs from differing backgrounds sharing their collective expertise. The collective voice of a united profession carries far more weight than any individual efforts and can shape policy that will affect the profession for years to come.

Make the commitment. Don't underestimate the power of your voice and the impact you can make.

The MNCPA government relations staff will set up all your meetings with legislators and prepare you for the meetings. We’re here to support you in your efforts to support the profession.

Register for CPA Day at the Capitol and join your fellow professionals in making a difference. Be the expert, be the advocate and be the voice that shapes a future policy for our profession and the communities you serve.

CPA Day at the Capitol

Showing strength in numbers

The CPA credential carries weight, especially among lawmakers. But the strongest message is a collective message. Join us for CPA Day at the Capitol!

Learn more & Register

Topics: Legislative & Government Affairs, Regulation, Personal Development , Government, MNCPA Programs & Activities, Reputation

Geno Fragnito

Geno Fragnito is the MNCPA government relations director, advocating on behalf of the CPA profession. His days consist of last-minute meeting changes, building relationships with lawmakers, helping CPAs navigate state government, and putting in more than 15,000 steps per day walking the halls of the Capitol. Geno unwinds with a little golf and traveling with his family. If he weren’t a lobbyist, Geno would perfect his cast and be a professional fisherman. Geno can be reached at 952-885-5550 or

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