NASBA National Registry of CPE Sponsors
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Frequently asked questions
What is the NASBA National Registry of CPE Sponsors?
The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) National Registry of CPE Sponsors (NASBA Registry) is a collection of learning providers that offer high-quality CPE programs in accordance with nationally recognized standards. To ensure high-quality CPE, sponsors must go through a rigorous process to be accepted on the NASBA Registry.
Is the Minnesota Society of CPAs (MNCPA) on the NASBA Registry?
The MNCPA is an approved sponsor on the NASBA Registry for group live and group internet-based CPE programs, effective Aug. 1, 2017.
What do I need to know about MNCPA CPE programs that took place before Aug. 1, 2017?
- If you are licensed in Minnesota, any MNCPA CPE programs you took prior to Aug. 1, 2017, still qualify as valid CPE because the MNCPA is not subject to the NASBA Registry requirement per BOA rule 1105.3100, Subpart 1, D. You can leave the NASBA ID line blank when reporting your CPE to the BOA.
- If you are licensed in another state, please check the state’s rules to determine if MNCPA CPE programs taken before Aug. 1, 2017, meet its continuing education requirements.
What is the MNCPA’s NASBA Registry ID number?
The MNCPA’s NASBA Registry ID number is 139884, effective Aug. 1, 2017.
Do all CPE providers have to be on the NASBA Registry?
In Minnesota, at least 72 of your CPE credits per three-year reporting period must come from BOA-approved sponsors, which includes those sponsors on the NASBA Registry. All self-study and nano-learning CPE must come from sponsors on the NASBA Registry (see below for details).
How do I know if a CPE sponsor is on the NASBA Registry?
Refer to the NASBA Registry and search by sponsor name.
Do self-study providers need to be on the NASBA Registry?
In Minnesota, BOA rule 1105.3100, Subpart 2, requires all self-study providers be listed on the NASBA Registry as an approved self-study sponsor. If a provider does not have a NASBA ID number, its self-study programs do not qualify for continuing education credit with the BOA. You can confirm a provider’s CPE sponsor status on the NASBA Registry website.
What is the purpose of NASBA?
NASBA serves as a forum for the 55 U.S. Boards of Accountancy. NASBA sponsors a variety of programs and services designed to enhance the effectiveness of its member boards.
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Summary of CPE program standards
Review CPE program standards issued jointly by the AICPA and NASBA. The BOA accepts non-Registry programs if they substantially meet these standards. In Minnesota, you can only claim up to 48 credits earned from non-Registry sponsors per three-year reporting period.