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Broadening pathways to CPA licensure

Boz Bostrom headshot“As an educator, I have regular and ongoing discussions about how to best prepare my students for work as CPAs. I have those discussions with CPA firms, private and public businesses, and organizations in the nonprofit and governmental sectors. Simply put, allowing for alternative pathways to CPA licensure will not only help address issues with the CPA pipeline but reduce unnecessary hours and dollars spent by individuals who aspire to become CPAs, all while maintaining the competency needed to serve the public.”
— Boz Bostrom, CPA, professor of accounting and finance, College of Saint Benedict & St. John's University


Draft strategy report executive summary
National Pipeline Advisory Group

Occupational licensing and minority participation in professional labor markets
Andrew Sutherland, Matthias Uckert and Felix Vetter

Increasing Diversity in the Accounting Profession Pipeline: Challenges and Opportunities
The Center for Audit Quality

Occupational Licensing and Accountant Quality: Evidence from the 150-Hour Rule
John Manuel Barrios

Reducing the Barrier to Entry: The 120/150 CPA Licensing Rule
Brian Meehan and E. Frank Stephenson


Minnesota Senate
2025 legislation coming soon.

Minnesota House
2025 legislation coming soon.

Looking for more?

The information and opinions around the topic of broadening pathways to CPA licensure and addressing the CPA pipeline is expanding rapidly. Look here for the latest:

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