Legislator Resources
The MNCPA is your trusted resource as you consider legislation that may affect Minnesota taxpayers and businesses. Here, you'll find our positions on key issues pertaining to the CPA profession, related content and contacts for when you have questions. We can also connect you with a CPA if you're seeking impartial insights on a complex matter.
MNCPA 2025 legislative agenda
Read through a summary of our legislative priorities for this session.
Related content for legislators
The MNCPA created the 2025 Tax Guide for Minnesota Legislators to help elected officials better understand the state and federal income tax laws that apply to them.
Check in regularly for advocacy-related blog posts by Geno Fragnito, our director of government relations.
We identify complex financial and tax topics and create content for the public that is easy to understand. Use this archive to help prepare yourself for constitutents' questions.
When to consult a CPA
CPAs are experts in tax and other financial-related matters. Topics our members can speak to include:
- Tax bill proposals
- Federal tax conformity
- Estate tax
- Residency factors
- Audit proposals
- Tax on professional services
- Tort reform
- Tax preparer regulations
- Taxpayer bill of rights
- Health care and taxes
- Retirement programs and taxes
Contact Geno Fragnito at 952-885-5550 if you'd like to arrange a meeting or invite one of our members to testify.
Other resources for elected officials
The Campaign Finance Board enforces state’s campaign finance and disclosure laws.
The Minnesota Board of Accountancy regulates the CPA profession.
The Minnesota Department of Revenue manages the state’s revenue system and administers state tax laws.